Canyonland Dreams


Canyonland Dreams

from $69.00

as i slowly meandered through some of my favorite lands of canyons a couple days after a snowfall, i found a large pothole in the sandstone that stored a good amount of water. and in that water, i saw this reflection of this beautifully bowed tree. I ripped off my backpack, took out my camera, found the composition i wanted and got everything set.

and then the wind blew the perfectly still water.


so i waited. and waited. i waited some more. i took a few photos, followed by more waiting. the breeze didn’t let up. and it turns out, the image is far more interesting with that breeze. it reminds me of watercolors on paper, slight abstraction or impressionistic. but most of all it reminds me of the land i feel most at home - in the canyons of the american west.

Giclee Pigment on Hahnemuhle Baryta or Acrylic:
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this item is currently only available as a framed, matted print at D’art gallery from october 21 - november 14.

rather than purchasing this item through my website, please either visit the gallery or email me at to arrange for payment through the gallery.